PyCon Australia 2014 Post Mortem
Time flies. This year, PyCon Australia was held in Sunshine City, Brisbane. Science and Data Analysis is new track for this year minncofs. Python is not just for web or system administrator. It is also a programming language that used in teaching, research, and embedded system. More talks to choose from. Below are the talks that I went and my post mortem notes. I tried to remember as much as possible.
On Friday,
- Monte Carlo Business Case Analysis with pandas by Arthur Street - Understand on using Pandas library in IPython Notebook tool for Monte Carlo method in business case analysis.
- Python for Bioinformatics by Clare Sloggett - Understand a bit more about genomics, libraries and tools that using in bioinformatics research field. IPython Notebook tool is a great tool to use in research and sharing note. Many researchers and statisticians still using R to do their jobs. Using RPy and RMagic IPython Extension able researchers to link between R and Python. She also mentioned is a good website for learning bioinformatics and programming through problem solving and biodalliance is a fast, interactive, genome visualization tool in web site.
- PyMODIS: processing 14 years of NASA's remotely sensed MODIS imagery by Ben Davies - Understand pyModis Python library using in Geographic Information Systems application.
- Pandas 101 by Lex Hider - More understand Pandas library. He already uploaded his talk in github.
- Python, Pyramid, and Embedded Devices by Justin Clacherty - Interesting to know Pyramid, is small enough to put into an embedded device.
- Clustering of high-content screen images to discover off-target phenotypes by Juan Nunez-Iglesias - Understand Unsupervised clustering of high content screen samples Python libary usage in digital image processing. He mentioned scandir is a better library for directory iterator.
- Multiplying really really big matrices by Paul Leopardi - Understand on using Numpy and SciPy to solve multiply large matrices problem.
- Lost in High-dimensional Space? Python to the Rescue! by Jay Larson - Understand on using Numpy and SciPy to solve high dimensions related problem in mathematics.
- Stream Based Processing for Data Analysis by Lachlan Blackhall - Understand Python usage in real-time, stream based processing. He mentioned Apache Storm and NetworkX Python library.
On Saturday,
- Python For Every Child In Australia by Dr James R. Curran - Understand Australian Curriculum: Digital Technologies and how we can help promote Python in Australian school children. He also mentioned NCSS challenge.
- A new default web stack by Simon Willison - Understand web stack that contains Nginx (ssl, cookie, log), Varnish, Haproxy, Celery, Solr/ElasticSearch, Redis, Memcached, Statsd and Graphite.
- Running Django on Docker: a workflow and code by Danielle Madeley - Understand usage Docker.
- Advanced Django Patterns for Large-Scale Websites by Simon Willison - Understand some tips on large scale web application, for example: feature flag, readonly mode, splunk (logstash + kibana) log to be searchable and aggregate, SOA each request with unique ID (correlation ID), debug bar using iframe through ssl, and spectrum of hosting.
- Record linkage: Join for real life by Rhydwyn Mcguire - Understand techniques of data linkage in Python.
- Deploy to Android: Adventures of a Hobbyist by Brendan Scott - Understand kivy.
- Enhance your creativity by Mathew Oakes - This is very special talk related to conceptual art philosophy links to programming. One of my favour is [there are many side effect that the artist cannot imagine[.
On Sunday,
- Accessibility: Myths and Delusions by Katie Cunningham - Tips on accessibility: video must have caption; flash is not accessibilty; use nvaccess instead of JAWS; use vischeck for colorblind vision simulation. Book on accessibility: Accessibility Handbook and Pro HTML5 Accessibility. More info on Accessibility and Usability at Penn State, Accessibility - Web Guide and Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0.
- What in the World is Asyncio? by Josh Bartlett - Understand basic of asyncio and use coroutine whenever possible.
- Streaming templates with asyncio by Jay Coles - Understand wither library.
- Try A Little Randomness by Larry Hastings - Understand real random number and pseudo random.
- Small Data: Databases in the real world by Andrew Godwin - Understand databases perform in big data.
- (Benford's) Law and Order (Fraud) by Rhys Elsmore - Understand ways on filtering good and bad emails.
- Programming the Performance Co-Pilot toolkit by Nathan Scott - Understand some of the performance co-pilot toolkits.
- PyPy.js: What? How? Why? by Ryan Kelly - Understand another way on running Python code in browser using JIT.
- Serialization formats aren't toys by Tom Eastman - Understand executing YAML, XML or JSON format file can be risky to your web site. He mentioned defusedxml.
Thanks everyone for the wonderful event. See you all next year. Now I got so many things to absorb. But first I need to set the priority and focus.
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