
"Kanten" (agar, or agar agar) is made from frozen and dried mucilage of red algae such as tengusa (agar weed) and ogonori (Chinese moss). Kanten, as sold at markets, is produced through repeated freezing and drying in a naturally cold climate during the winter. It's similar to the gelatin of bovine and swine origin as an ingredient in edible gel (jelly), but chemically it's a different substance.


This video is showing making Milk Gelato with Kanten powder (粉寒天).

( Baked Banana & Milk Gelato ) Chef Patissier teaches you

[ Baked Banana & Milk Gelato ] Chef Patissier teaches you by パティシエ 石川マサヨシPatissier Masayoshi Ishikawa.


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