Cooking: Bubur Cha-Cha
I just finished cooking bubur cha-cha. Again, it is not as nice as the one in Penang.
Can't open Finder app in OS X Lion
If you are having problem on opening Finder app, solution is Can't open the finder or any of my files.
Where is Macintosh HD in OS X Lion
I just updated my Mac with OS X Lion. After playing a while, I realise I can't find Macintosh HD. It no longer at left-side bar in Finder. I need it.
D3: Tutorial - Scale graph
First Protovis, now D3. Both are works from Mike Bostock. Both are data visualization JavaScript libraries.
Cooking: Spicy Pumpkin Risotto
Tonight dinner is spicy pumpkin risotto.
Javascript: 101 Week 5 Track 2
On week 5 track 2, we continue study chapter 12 and 13 on Eloquent Javascript. Both chapters are related to document-object model and browser events.
Javascript: 101 Week 5 Track 1
On this week, we continue watching 'An Incovenient API - The Theory of the DOM' part 2 as below by Douglas Crockford
Javascript: 101 Week 4
Since track 2 is the subset for track 1 in week 4, so we combine them both to this post.
Javascript: 101 Week 3 Track 2
On track 2 week 3, we are continuing reading Eloquent Javascript ebook on chapter 6: Functional Programming and JavaScript code style.