Cooking: Fudge Cupcakes
Wishing everyone Happy Valentine Day with delicious fudge cupcakes.
Cooking: Gnocchi with Pesto
Oh. We know the dish does not looked like gnocchi. It is our first time to make them.
Javascript: 101 Week 2 Track 2
For track 2 on week 2, I basically need to read chapter 4 and 5 on Eloquent JavaScript.
Javascript: 101 Week 2 Track 1
On track 1 week 2, we are continuing understanding JavaScript through Douglas Crockford's video as below and chapter 3 on functions, from Eloquent Javascript.
Javascript: 101 Week 1 Track 1
This post is a reply for the Javascript: 101 Week 1 Track 1.
Javascript: 101 Week 1 Track 2
This post is a reply for the Javascript: 101 Week 1 Track 2.
Javascript: 101 Sign Up
Writing this post after watching the video below is the first task of signing up JavaScript 101. I knew about this video long time ago.
Cooking: Chocolate Cake
Baking cake is one of the things I do during holiday season.
Cooking: Rice Pudding
Tonight we cooked rice pudding. It is different from what I know.